days gone ps4 game review

Days Gone PS4 Game Review: Survival & Strategy

In this review of the days gone ps4 game review, we explore the world after a deadly virus in Oregon. You play as Deacon St. John, a biker with a good heart, trying to survive. The game mixes crafting, exploring, and fights with unique motorcycle controls. Players can make weapons from things they find, adding a fun strategy component.

But, the journey through this world isn’t all perfect. Some say the story gets a bit repetitive and lacks depth, making it less interesting. However, the game does shine with its impressive technology, especially the huge Freaker hordes. It offers a range of gameplay, from shooting and hand-to-hand fights to sneaking around. Plus, you get to do exciting missions, like hunting down turncoats and battling evil gangs. Even with some story issues and bugs, the strong character work and survival challenges make the game more engaging.

Key Takeaways

  • Offers over 60 hours of gameplay featuring Deacon St. John.
  • Strong focus on crafting, exploration, and combat mechanics.
  • Criticized for repetitive missions and thematically unsatisfying storyline.
  • Impresses with hordes of Freakers as its biggest technical achievement.
  • Includes diverse missions and an impactful upgrade system for the motorcycle.

Introduction to Days Gone

Days Gone throws you into post-apocalyptic Oregon, packed with danger and interest. It’s centered on Deacon St. John, a tough biker who seeks meaning and survival in a world ruined by infection and hopelessness. Every choice and meeting shapes his intense journey.

Plot Overview

The Days Gone plot focuses on Deacon’s hunt for his wife Sarah, missing after a disastrous outbreak. Players guide Deacon through a dangerous world filled with Freakers, the game’s twist on zombies. His story mixes survival with a search for answers, facing infected creatures and human dangers.

Main Characters

In the midst of chaos, the Days Gone characters make the story vibrant. Deacon, voiced by Sam Witwer, is a complex lead character. He’s joined by Boozer, his faithful friend. Also part of this world are Tucker and Iron Mike, both important for their roles in survival. They all work together in this broken world.


The world of Days Gone is a stunning, post-apocalyptic Oregon. It’s both beautiful and haunting. The game’s locations are full of danger and stories. Weather plays a role too, making survival key. This setting truly pulls players in.

Player Feedback

gaming community reactions

Gamers have mixed feelings about Days Gone. Some love its long 60-hour story and fighting zombies. But, others find the missions too repetitive. This shows the game excels at action but lacks in story and how it’s played.

Community Reactions

A big part of what makes people love the game is its characters. Deacon St. John and Boozer’s friendship is deeply felt. Fighting Freakers, from small fast ones to big scary ones, is fun. They decided the game delivers in the right places.

Players also like the crafting system. It makes finding and using things exciting. This adds a smart, strategic part to surviving in the game.

Critiques from Gamers

But not all is perfect in Days Gone. Many feel the missions repeat too much. They’re often about clearing out zombie nests and finding certain spots over and over.

Some tasks feel like chores because you have to do them to move forward. Gamers wish the game had better animations and more varied missions to make it more fun.

Still, some fans love the game, especially the nods to Syphon Filter with easter eggs. These details make the game more special for those who know the developer’s older games.

Positive AspectsCritiques
Thrilling horde battlesRepetitive missions
Deep character relationshipsPoor animation quality
Engaging crafting systemForced side questing

Combat Mechanics Review

Days Gone mixes stand-up combat and weapons for complex battles. You’ll face both human foes and Freakers.

Weapons Variety

This game has a wide range of weapons. You’ll find guns, crossbows, and more. A cool crafting system lets you make your own weapons from things you find.

Melee vs Ranged Combat

Melee fighting feels real and hard-hitting. Reviewers love its realism. But ranged weapons, like guns, have their place too. They let you fight from afar. Plus, there’s a cool slow-motion power that helps with aiming early in the game.

Enemy A.I. and Behavior

Enemies in Days Gone are smart and behave uniquely. Humans and Freakers make for diverse challenges. They require different approaches, making the game deeper.

But, some say stealth missions get old. And that sometimes, it’s too easy to stay hidden from enemies. Even so, the game’s mix of combat styles and enemy types keeps it fun.

Combat TypesMelee, Ranged
WeaponsGuns, Crossbows, Crafted Items
Enemy TypesHuman Marauders, Freakers, Rippers
Special AbilitiesFocused Shot (Slow-motion targeting)
ChallengesHorde battles, Stealth Missions

For more details, check the full review of Days Gone.

Open World Exploration–fpSY

Days Gone is a journey through post-apocalyptic Oregon. Players explore a vast, rich world. They find unique spots, face surprises, and tackle survival tasks. Every place, from dense forests to dry deserts, is carefully crafted.

Discoverable Locations

In Days Gone, players find many places worth exploring. They come across ruined camps, empty towns, and NERO sites for upgrades. These spots deepen the story, offer resources, and challenge players to survive. days gone ps4 game review.

Random Encounters

Random events make the game more exciting. Players might fight off Freakers or outsmart enemies. These surprises keep exploration fresh, making players think on their feet. They add fun twists to the journey.

VisualsPraised for its detailed and atmospheric design
Gameplay HoursApproximately 30 hours for campaign, extendable to 50+ hours with exploration
EnvironmentVaried locales including forests, deserts, and mountains
Weather EffectsRealistic reactions to snow and rain impacting gameplay
Review ScoresMixed, ranging from 3.5/5 to 88%

The game world is alive, thanks to these encounters. It keeps players hooked, especially those who love survival challenges.

Missions and Side Quests

Days Gone missions

Days Gone gives players a mix of main missions and side quests. These impact the story and how the game feels to play. Main missions focus on Deacon’s story and key plot points. Side quests make the game world richer.

Main Quests

Main quests push the story ahead, showing Deacon’s journey. You face the game’s big threats, the Freakers and other enemies. By doing these tasks, players learn more about the story and get important items for survival.

Side Missions Variety

Side missions offer lots of extra things to do. You might be helping camps or fighting off threats. These tasks bring more fun and let you build trust with different groups. This trust earns you better gear and other cool prizes.

Impact on Overall Gameplay

Missions and side quests shape the whole game experience. Doing tasks helps you get on better terms with camps. With more trust, you get better stuff and can face harder challenges. It makes your time in the game more fun and interesting.

Players enjoy the diverse missions and quests. They add a lot to the game’s world. Yet, some tasks might feel repetitive. The rewards could be more motivating too.

Main QuestsDrives the central storylineUnlocks new locations and items
Side QuestsVariety of optional tasksEarns trust and rewards from camps
Trust LevelsCompleting tasks boosts trustUnlocks superior weapons and upgrades

Days Gone Gameplay Analysis

Days Gone gameplay analysis

The Days Gone gameplay analysis shows a mix of survival crafting, hiding, and customizing your bike. These elements help you craft and upgrade, letting you make weapons and gear. This stuff is key for surviving a world hit by a disaster.

Crafting and Upgrading Mechanisms

Crafting is key in Days Gone. You gather materials around the world to make better weapons and tools. By doing this, you can face off against the not-so-friendly humans and infected creatures.

Fixing up Deacon’s motorcycle is just as important. Boosting its speed, fuel storage, and toughness helps you explore a huge map. While you can’t customize the bike as much as some might want, it’s still crucial.

Stealth and Combat Mechanics

Being sneaky is at the heart of this game. You’ll often need to sneak around to complete missions. This makes for tense moments, but some say it could be tougher.

When fights happen, they’re a mix of close-up and long-range combat. This includes fighting with your hands or using guns against hordes of infected. Deacon must choose wisely how to fight to stay alive.

Motorcycle Mechanics

Deacon’s motorcycle is like a sidekick in this adventure. You’ll need to upgrade it to travel better and more safely. While it’s a must, some wish the customization was more diverse.

The game is deep and pulls you in with its crafting, sneaking, and fighting. But some missions, like sneaking near certain spots, feel too repetitive for some. This hints that the game could use more variety in places.

Survival Dynamics in Days Gone

Surviving in Days Gone means managing resources well and being ready for changing weather. Deacon St. John shows us how to live off the land in a destroyed world. He uses what he can find to face Oregon’s ruined landscapes.

Resource Management

Resource management is key in Days Gone. You have to keep Deacon’s motorcycle running, his guns loaded, and have gear to survive. Finding these things isn’t easy, so you need to be smart.

Every journey means choosing what to take and what to leave. You might find something useful but remember, you have to plan for the long haul too.

Dynamic Weather System

The game’s weather isn’t just for looks; it changes everything. Heavy rain and snow make it hard to see and fight.

But, bad weather can also help you. Rain can cover noise, letting you sneak past enemies. Snow, though, will make riding your motorcycle a risky business.

This changing weather makes survival even harder. It keeps you on your toes as you try to outlast the world’s dangers.

Storyline Breakdown

Days Gone opens a window into Deacon St. John’s chaotic world. Deacon’s search for his missing wife, Sarah, is the core of the story. It takes about 36 hours to finish but how people feel about it varies.

Main Story Arc

Deacon travels post-apocalyptic Oregon, facing both humans and Freakers. The story focuses on him trying to find out what happened to Sarah. The emotional power of this mission is big but some say it gets a bit lost later on.

Flashbacks and Emotional Weight

Emotional flashbacks show key moments between Deacon and Sarah, designed to deepen our bond with Deacon. However, these scenes can sometimes feel out of place or not hit the mark emotionally. This can break the main story’s flow and weaken its hold on us.

Characters’ Development Over Time

Deacon and other characters change a lot over time, adding depth to the narrative. Critics wish Deacon’s development was stronger. Boozer and other friends bring a lot to the game, showing how connections can help in a tough world. But, some bad guys weren’t as carefully made, making their parts in the story feel unfinished.

Bend Studios worked hard to make Oregon feel real, full of its wildlife. As you explore, you find clues that add to the storytelling. Despite some flaws, Days Gone mixes survival and feelings well, making a standout apocalyptic story.

Graphics and Visuals

Released on April 26, 2019, Days Gone for the PS4 catches your eye with its detailed world. It creates a dark and real feel through its landscapes. These include dense forests, empty towns, and rough lands, adding depth to the game. The varied settings keep players hooked, turning every step into a mix of wonder and fear.

World Design

One thing players love about Days Gone is its vast world. You get over 60 hours exploring a world that feels like it fell apart. Driving Deacon’s bike through Oregon’s wilds or sneaking in decaying places is gripping. The game sets the perfect stage for its survival story with these scenes.

Character Models

The characters in Days Gone feel very real thanks to great detail. Deacon St. John, played by Sam Witwer, looks alive with subtle features. But, some side characters and enemies might not look as good, which can take away from the realism. Even with this, main characters and the Freakers look amazing, telling visual stories that draw you in.

Performance Issues

However, Days Gone does face some troubles with its performance. There are small bugs, like sound cutting out or strange AI behavior, and the game might slow down at times. These problems were still around after four patches before the game’s full release. But, the game does run better on the PlayStation 4 Pro, especially when facing large groups of enemies. So, although the game looks fantastic, it still has a few bumps on the technical side.


What is Days Gone about?

Days Gone is a post-apocalyptic game. It’s set in Oregon, where zombies roam. You play as Deacon St. John, a biker. He’s looking for his wife and fighting for survival. Crafting, battles, and exploration are key as you navigate this dangerous world.

Who are the main characters in Days Gone?

Deacon St. John is the main character. He’s voiced by Sam Witwer. Boozer, Tucker, and Iron Mike are also important. They help make the story rich and support Deacon on his tough journey in this world after the apocalypse.

How long is the gameplay in Days Gone?

Expect over 60 hours of gameplay in Days Gone. This includes the main story, side quests, and exploring the open world.

What do players generally think of Days Gone?

Views on Days Gone vary. Some like its big world and challenging fights. But, others feel it has too many repetitive tasks, a weak story, and technical problems like bugs and animation glitches.

How is the combat experience in Days Gone?

Combat mixes melee and shooting fights. You have many weapons, from guns to crafted gear. The slow-mo shot feature is cool. However, stealth can get boring and the enemies’ A.I. could be better.

What can players explore in the open world of Days Gone?

The game’s world is huge and full of places to find. You’ll see camps and old structures. There are also random events that keep things interesting and surprising.

What types of missions and side quests are available in Days Gone?

The game has story missions and extras like clearing out zombies or taking down forts. These are good for leveling up, but some might find them repetitive.

How does the gameplay mechanics in Days Gone function?

Crafting and improving your gear and bike are crucial. Stealth is key too. But, the enemies’ A.I. in stealth mode isn’t very smart. You can upgrade your bike for better travel.

How does Days Gone handle resource management and survival dynamics?

Survival means being smart about what you use. You need to manage fuel, bullets, and crafting stuff. The weather changes how you play, making things more challenging.

What is the main storyline of Days Gone?

The game follows Deacon as he searches for his wife. His story is filled with emotion and twisty relationships. Yet, some feel the end of the tale can be less engaging.

What are the graphics and visuals like in Days Gone?

Days Gone has a gritty style with detailed settings. The main characters look great, but not all the others do. Performance can vary, but the PS4 Pro version looks better.
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Forhad Khan
Forhad Khan
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